BUD will develop and progress the present and future hemp industry products. Products that provide access to the present alternative mass production that degrade environment and deny humanity of smart and safe mass productions and consumptions.

The development focus is initially on cloth and new wood resources. Future objectives include developing new metal and new plastic resources, that are created alongside an effective global recycle chain.

The research and development of Hemp resources will add global value regarding human and environmental quality. The increase of hemp products decrease logging and pollutants from old legacy resources still being mass sourced.

The detailed proposal and plans of BUD are presently under a strict non disclosure agreement term. The brief description of the product is concise and the capabilities are accurate. Serious investors must acquire legal representation, if they wish to make a serious investment. You can contact TRACY HUNTER UK beforehand to get further insights and discover if this is a venture that you would like to join. 


Furthering the initial establishment of the objectives of BUD, the expansive focus towards creating global yields that can serve other industries, will be vigorously pursued. The strive is to input into the global demands and consumptions, by adding to global resource chains and nature and not shutting them down.

Once you decide if and how much you would like to invest, simply fill in the investment form and send. Using the payment gateway PayPal, you will receive a receipt through your PayPal Account and by email from Tracy Hunter UK.

The investment goal and its progress can be seen on the investment forms. You can follow its progress. All updates occur on the form too. If you would like to make a large investment but you are not sure of value, then contact Tracy Hunter UK. You can start discussions to attain holdings and influence and be linked to the studio-gallery and its projects and showcasing events.

BUD intends to be a for-profit business after the research and development phase is complete. If you want to invest and receive returns then contact TRACY HUNTER UK.